Make banking backend development easier
Hi there!
We're a team of top-notch IT specialists, handpicked and gathered from around the globe, dedicated to accelerating and perfecting operations for FinTech projects across Latin America and the United States.
Understanding each project's uniqueness, we offer personalized approaches, meticulous analysis, and seamless technical integration.
We are committed to exceeding expectations, delivering high-quality work that perfectly aligns with your vision. Our dedication extends beyond project completion – we're always there to offer ongoing support and ensure your FinTech project thrives in the long run.
At the core of our success lie two powerful forces:
Force 1: Deep Expertise and Technical Precision
Our team of experienced engineers possesses an unmatched understanding of the Fintech landscape. Their in-depth knowledge of business protocols, regulatory requirements, and technical intricacies ensures the reliability and scalability of your project. We believe that precision in every line of code and a thorough grasp of the financial domain are essential for crafting solutions that stand the test of time.
Force 2: Cutting-Edge Methodologies and AI Collaboration
We pair our expertise with the latest advancements in software development methodologies. Agile practices enable us to adapt seamlessly to your evolving needs, while deep analytics provide invaluable insights to guide our strategy. Furthermore, we leverage the power of AI and GPT-based models to automate tasks, enhance code quality, and accelerate our development process. This dynamic approach allows us to deliver solutions that are not only robust but also innovative and future-proof.
Force 2: Cutting-Edge Methodologies and AI Collaboration
We pair our expertise with the latest advancements in software development methodologies. Agile practices enable us to adapt seamlessly to your evolving needs, while deep analytics provide invaluable insights to guide our strategy. Furthermore, we leverage the power of AI and GPT-based models to automate tasks, enhance code quality, and accelerate our development process. This dynamic approach allows us to deliver solutions that are not only robust but also innovative and future-proof.
By harnessing the combined power of these two forces, we unlock a new level of efficiency and effectiveness. Our deep domain knowledge and technical expertise are amplified by agile methodologies and AI co-piloting, resulting in solutions that are:
  • Tailor-made to your specific needs and challenges.
  • Equipped to adapt and evolve in the ever-changing Fintech landscape.
  • Built with the highest standards of quality and security and delivered on time and within budget.
  • This potent blend of expertise and innovation is what fuels our passion for creating transformative Fintech solutions that empower our clients to achieve their full potential.
new products launched for customers
average years of experience
countries served (USA, Mexico, Israel)
client retention rate
Case studies:
Credit Product Engine for an Online Platform of a Payday Loan Operator
Goal: To create and manage a portfolio of credit products, including calculating loans, payments, accruals and reports.

Description: This is a product engine specifically designed for payday loans. It supports the core product - payday loans, providing cloning and extensive configuration options. The solution was created by our team that has significant experience in creating and supporting credit accounting systems.

Features: A wide range of methods for easy integration into the credit process; Asynchronous API based on RabbitMQ; managing both client and corporate accounts; automatic processing of payments and updating of loan statuses; separate technical separation of payments and credit accruals.

Technical specifications: The system is built using state-of-the-art technologies, including Kotlin, RabbitMQ, and PostgreSQL. This allows it to handle high workloads without additional optimizations or tuning.

Results: In addition to ensuring full compliance with business requirements, the engine provides processing of 350,000 loans and 4 million payments within one hour.

Additional information: The product engine was designed with the expectation of supporting other credit products in the future, such as "buy now, pay later" and installment-based products.
- Java/Kotlin
- Spring Boot
- PostgreSQL
- JUnit, TestNG
- Maven, Gradle
- Git
- Docker, Kubernetes
- JavaScript, TypeScript
- React, Redux
- Node.js, SSR
- Webpack
- Lint, prettier
- JUnit, TestNG
- Selenium
- Allure Reports
- Postman
- WireMock
Analytics &Process
- Jira/Confluence
- Scrum/PMBook
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We're confident that we can help you achieve your FinTech vision. Contact us today to learn how we can put our expertise and AI-powered approach to work for you.

8 The Green #11571 Dover, Delaware 19901

2023 © Easy Banking Solutions